Basic Ideas of Bucket Elevators
N owadays, as the world is getting modernised and mechanical, the use of machines have increased. Bucket Elevator is one of the most popular machine, used to transfer materials vertically. A Bucket Elevator or a grain leg, is a machine, that consists of buckets, which are attached on to a specific type of belt or chain to carry the buckets or may say specific load and transmit the pull machine to drive the belt and accessories, vertically. Uses of Bucket Elevators It is mainly used in oil mills,rice industries,grain industries,coal handling,cement industries etc. It is very important accessory of any industries, as it can convey light to heavy materials with ease, without any interruption.The Bucket Elevators,are serving well and getting popular due to simplicity of bucket elevator systems. They are one of the popular choice for handling bulk materials and in processing applications. Design of Bucket Elevators Design of bucket elevators depends of types of materials convey,materials t...